...make a poem that does not disturb the silence from which it came." Wendell Berry

Wendell Berry
Some Similar Quotes
  1. A thousand lips, a thousand eyes, a thousand hearts will read these words, as you read them, graze them, this moment. Thousands will utter them into the abyss, someday, perhaps for years to come; loudly, softly, repeatedly, again and again and again. Some will mock,... - V.S.Atbay

  2. The will of life and death, never share the same motivation...we all know that love is the ultimate motive to die for...but let’s not kid ourselves......we all know the ultimate motive to rise back from the dead is vengeance. - Non Nomen

  3. The spirit, my love, is stronger than laughter, stronger than the hungry pantingof reckless lionsthat paw and shuffle underneath the canopy of bowed trees, stronger than the pace of a dying heart, that awaits to be pumped to life by episodes mothered by time, by... - V.S. Atbay

  4. I love you just the way you arebut you don't see you like I do. You shouldn't try so hard to be perfect. Trust me, perfect should try to be you. - Bo Burnham

  5. Poetry can be dangerous, especially beautiful poetry, because it gives the illusion of having had the experience without actually going through it. - Jalaluddin Rumi

More Quotes By Wendell Berry
  1. Don't own so much clutter that you will be relieved to see your house catch fire.

  2. What I stand for is what I stand on.

  3. The complexity of our present trouble suggests as never before that we need to change our present concept of education. Education is not properly an industry, and its proper use is not to serve industries, either by job-training or by industry-subsidized research. It's proper use...

  4. Until modern times, we focused a great deal of the best of our thought upon rituals of return to the human condition. Seeking enlightenment or the Promised Land or the way home, a man would go or be forced to go into the wilderness, measure...

  5. I take literally the statement in the Gospel of John that God loves the world. I believe that the world was created and approved by love, that it subsists, coheres, and endures by love, and that, insofar as it is redeemable, it can be redeemed...

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